INNOCEAN announces future business growth objective and strategies

INNOCEAN announces future business growth objective and strategies

INNOCEAN hosted the “2023 INNOCEAN Analyst Day” to present its future growth direction, business objective and strategies. INNOCEAN emphasized that it will achieve gross profit of KRW 1.3 trillion (+70% compared to 2022%), sales profit of KRW 220 billion (+61%) and earnings per share of KRW 6,700 (+90%) by 2026.

To achieve these business objectives, INNOCEAN plans to further develop the 3 keywords “C.D.M.” (C – Creative & Contents, D – Digital & Data, M – Meta & Mobility) it announced last year.

First, for the C sector, the company explained the potential and anticipated effects of “STUDIO abit,” a joint venture established between INNOCEAN and the content creation studio IMAGINUS. INNOCEAN plans to create a variety of contents, including commercial contents and branded contents, with “STUDIO abit.” By continuously accumulating popular IPs and expanding commercial and marketing profits, INNOCEAN aims to develop STUDIO abit into a new key player in the content market.

Second, the key in the D sector is mergers and acquisitions (M&A). INNOCEAN aims to become a Pan-Europe “Data-Driven Agency” by strengthening its data marketing capability through aggressive M&As in Europe and by expanding its business portfolio.

Third, expanding the company’s EV value chain, which has the largest business potential, is the keyword for the M sector. This sector includes the transmission of content and advertising through mobility media and the development of INNOCEAN’s own platform capable of collecting/analyzing/reporting related data.

During the event, INNOCEAN also presented financial strategies to achieve its mid- to long-term growth objectives for 2026. The company announced plans to invest about KRW 500 billion in 3 major strategies: ▲domestic and overseas M&A and equity investments, ▲strengthening of existing business competitiveness, and ▲expanding the global network. It also announced of the implementation of “1:1 free issuing.” in order to increase company stock value.

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