How Brands Feed Off Big Super Bowl Energy Without Being in the Game

How Brands Feed Off Big Super Bowl Energy Without Being in the Game

Super Bowl advertising is the pinnacle of the industry, but not everyone can afford the $7 million per spot to be in the Big Game. Some opt for the regional route, buying in select markets to save cash, while others decide to hop on the bandwagon by advertising around the game without actually being a part of it.

Brands will go to great lengths to feed off the hype, staging elaborate stunts, hiring celebrities, offering big discounts and skirting the copyrighted Super Bowl moniker with terms like “superb owl” and “souper bowl” for game day fun.

“It’s a cultural moment, and it’s a good bet to make because it can be a relatively low risk with a massively high reward, and that’s why you see so many Super Bowl-adjacent ideas,” Ari Weiss, chief creative officer of DDB Worldwide, told Adweek.


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