Top 5 campaigns that had the most impact in Qatar 2022

Top 5 campaigns that had the most impact in Qatar 2022

The Soccer World Cup in Qatar 2022 demonstrated the passion for soccer once again and the competition that is not only seen on the pitch. The Cup is one of the sporting events that generates the most expectation and one of the most anticipated worldwide, where different creative agencies with their advertisers compete for the attention of the audience with their strategies and creative campaigns seeking to get the most out of that great window that is the event.

Learn about the 5 best campaigns for Qatar 2022 and tell us which one is your favourite.

1. McDonald’s: “Wanna Go to McDonald’s?”

2. Nike: “Footballverse”

3. Coca-Cola: “Real Magic”

4. Líbero: “The dirtiest cup”

5. Qatar Airways, “Watch the FIFA World Cup 2022”