What Are Marketers Talking About When We Talk About Effective Creativity?

What Are Marketers Talking About When We Talk About Effective Creativity?

Juan Isaza is Vice-President of Strategy and Innovation at DDB Latina and the President of DDB Mexico.

The discussion is decades old: Is it possible to have outstanding creativity and at the same time produce sales results?

For some marketers, creativity has been historically seen as a “nice to have”—an attractive accessory but not necessarily the tool to mobilize consumers toward the brand. The game changer was the research carried out by Les Binet and Peter Field more than a decade ago (Marketing in the Era of Accountability), which proves with scientific evidence that the cases that generate the most business results are those with an emotional component. Peter Field further claimed that creatively awarded work is around 10 times as efficient as non-awarded work.

Taken from: https://ddb.com/news/what-are-marketers-talking-about-when-we-talk-about-effective-creativity/